A covid post

It’s about 2.5 years into the pandemic, and the inevitable finally happened. Covid got me.

The timeline:

  1. Day before testing positive — general exhaustion and the slightest tickle in the throat, but I was sleep deprived and dehydrated, so nothing really out of the ordinary for me
  2. Night before — an unusually rough headache that I attempted to counter with Tylenol (it didn’t work)
  3. Day of — about 16 hours of the worst headache I’ve ever experienced, a ton of nausea, and a bit of vomiting

Severe headache isn’t something I associated with covid, but it was bad enough that I had a feeling something was up. And sure enough, the positive covid test ended up confirming my suspicions. It was lucky that in the days leading up, I didn’t interact with many people, and most of those I did hang out with had already gotten covid.

From there on, it was pretty much the typical story — exhaustion, sore throat, cough, cold, headache, the works. Now it’s been about seven rough days since I first went out of commission and I’m almost back to normal. I’m still a bit under the weather, but it was kind of weirdly refreshing to have nothing to do but focus on recovering. I slept constantly and did whatever I had the energy for in the rest of the time, which wasn’t much. I did finish a book and catch up on a TV show I’d been meaning to get to though.

I still have a few more days of isolation left, but as soon as I can, I’m interested to see how my physical fitness has been affected by this. Before getting covid, I was at the strongest I’ve ever been. Now I feel a lot more weak and I wonder how long it’ll take to bounce back.

The good thing is now that I’ve had covid, I feel comfortable with being a bit more adventurous. I’m hoping for some excitement in the coming months. Maybe could plan some travel now that I hopefully have some immunity? We’ll see.

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